The Great Musicians who play Pescini Music

Great musicians play Pescini – Welcome to this extraordinary presentation dedicated to the talented artists who bring to life the fascinating compositions of Lorenzo Pescini. Originally from Florence, Pescini is a composer known for his romantic works that touch the deepest strings of the human soul. In this context, it is fundamental to emphasize the extraordinary ability of these musicians to convey the passion and intensity of Pescini’s compositions through their virtuosity on the piano and other instruments.

The pianists and other instrumentalists who interpret the music of Lorenzo Pescini are true masters in their field, with a unique sensitivity in capturing the romantic essence of the compositions. Their performances are characterized by an exceptional dynamic range, technical precision and the ability to resonate the deepest emotions through keyboards.

Immersed in the notes of Pescini…

… these artists transform their instrument into a magical communicative medium capable of exploring and communicating the most intimate emotions of the human soul. The mastery with which they perform the compositions allows the audience to travel through soundscapes imbued with passion, romance and introspection.

Lorenzo Pescini’s repertoire offers a variety of musical nuances, from sweet and enveloping melodies to more energetic and passionate passages. Thanks to the sensitive interpretation of these pianists and other instrumentalists, the spectators are transported into an emotional world where the piano becomes the means through which to express and share deep feelings.

I pianisti che interpretano Pescini

The skill and dedication of these performers in performing the music of Lorenzo Pescini not only honors the talent of the Florentine composer, but give the audience a unique and unforgettable experience. With their virtuosity and sensitivity, these artists are true guardians of the romantic soul of Pescini, transforming each performance in an emotional journey through the beauty and complexity of his compositions.

Pescini’s great performers are presented in two parts: pianists and other instrumentalists. Artists are listed in strictly alphabetical order.


Xuanxiang Wu (China/USA)
plays “Ritorno alle origini – Back to the Roots”

Natalie Andaloro (Italy)
plays “Sprofondando le blu – Song for Tanabata”

Suzuka  Ichikawa (Japan /Sweden)
plays “Dietro la luna – Behind the Moon”

Paolo Bernardi (Italia)
plays “Silvia” (Jazz Version)

Cecilia Ferreri (Italy)
plays “Impromptu n.3”

Lucia (Lucy( Veneziani (Italy)
plays “Il mare dentro – The Sea Inside”

Olesya Romanko (Italy)
plays “Giulietta”

Tina Volpe (Italy)
plays “The Persuaders Theme – Don’t Go Away”

Marta D’Onofrio (Italy)
plays “I Miss You”

Simone Ermini (Italy)
plays “Dietro la luna” (Pianobar Version)

Simona Santini (Italu)
plays: “Love Song” (New Age Version)

Carlos Marin Trigo (Mexico/Spain)
plays “Love Song”

Maribel López (Venezuela)
plays “Il mare dentro – The Sea Inside”

Eny  da Rocha (Brasil)
plays “Dietro la luna – Behind the Moon”

Марианна  Жубер (Russian)
plays “Silvia – Femme Fatale”

Mina Ivanova
plays “Human”

Stefania Vallonchini (Italia)
esegue “Dietro la luna”

Brunella Luciani (Italy) – Piano
with Sabina Luciani (Italy) – Harp
plays “Il sogno di Dado – Dado’s Dream” (Piano & Harp Version)


musicisti interpretano la musica di Pescini

Xics Duo (Italy)
Giuseppe Alfano (in Xics Duo) – Trumpet
Silvia Fiorentini – Pianoforte
play “Eri Silvia – You were Silvia”

Maria Brissonskaja – Classic Dancer (France)
dances “Aphrodite’s Spell – Cinderella”

Paolo Carlini – Basson (Italy)
Fabrizio Datteri (Italia)
Simone Bensi – Oboe (Italy)
play “Un tema all’improvviso – Code 1938”

Anna Fasanella – Cello (Italy)
plays “Riflessi di luce – Reflections of Light”

Pino Forresu – Classic Guitar (Italy)
plays “Fantastica Danza – Fantastic Dance”

Andrea Ciullo – Bassoon (Italy)
with Simona Santini – Piano (Italy)
play “Reflections of light – Riflessi di luce”

Pierpaolo Lucca – Orchestration (Italy)
plays “Pioggia d’estate – Summer Rain”

Sabrina (Liù) Luciani – Harp (Italy)
plays “Sorgente d’amore – Spring of Love”

Davide Maia -Bassoon (Italy)
plays “Senza fine – Endless”

Orchestra Accademia Tarrega (Italy)
plays esegue “Ninna Nanna” by J. Brahms (Pescini transcription)

Orchestra Triumph (Russian)
plays “L’uomo che amava i draghi – The man who loved Dragons”

Giovanni Puliafito – Orchestration (Italy)
plays “L’ultima notte – Last Night”

Come and discover the magical musical world of Lorenzo Pescini!

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